Familiar candidates back on the ballot
— 3 March 2017The 2017 municipal election is now just a few days off of eight months away, and although official…
LDWC is giving International Women’s Day the royal treatment
— 3 March 2017On the eve of International Women’s day, celebrated world-wide since 1911, the Lennoxville…
A midsummer’s night coming up in March
— 3 March 2017Students from Bishop’s University’s Drama Department are hard at work in the halls of Centennial…
Ski for a cure snags $50,000
— 3 March 2017The Ski for a cure event held on February 18that Mont Sutton is being hailed as a success after…
Weedon advocacy group declared mission accomplished
— 3 March 2017The Comité de citoyens pour la survie du CLSC et du CHSLD de Weedon, the citizens advocacy…
Townshippers saddle up for some snow joring
— 3 March 2017While saddling up a horse and strapping on a snowboard or a pair of skis doesn’t usually…
Sherbrooke walk to mark forty years of Friendship Force
— 3 March 2017For the thirteenth year in a row Force de L’amitié Sherbrooke, the local branch of an organization…
Emergency demolitions at Sherbrooke’s municipal garage
— 3 March 2017The City of Sherbrooke will be demolishing two structures in its municipal garage complex and…
What a difference a day makes
— 3 March 2017On Sunday, Kevin Ryan and members of his family were trapped in their home due to flooding…
Sherbrooke celebrates winter during record breaking heatwave
— 3 March 2017Sherbrooke’s 51st winter carnival went ahead this past weekend despite a bipolar confusion…