Hébert awards medals to local community builders

Hébert awards medals to local community builders

Record Staff


Saint-François MNA Geneviève Hébert recently awarded medals to four deserving individuals in her riding at a ceremony held Saturday evening, Sept. 16 in Compton.

The recipients include Richard Caron, Sylvie Gilbert Fowlis, Lisette Lahaie and Paul-Émile Thibault in the MRC of Coaticook.

In a statement about the presentation of the ‘Médaille de la Députée’ Hébert explained her goal was to recognize the careers of four exceptional people in the area. “The recipients have distinguished themselves through their exemplary actions for the well-being of the community in various fields. They are role models for us to emulate,” the MNA stated.

About the recipients

Sylvie Gilbert Fowlis

Sylvie Gilbert Fowlis is the embodiment of mutual aid for both English-speaking and French-speaking people. For 33 years, she served as executive director of Lennoxville and District Community Aid. Through this bilingual organization, she promoted and coordinated mutual aid and volunteer action to help people aged 65 and over stay in their own homes.

She was a director at Champlain Regional College. She sits on the Board of Directors of the Dixville Foundation, the Comité de concertation du développement communautaire et social de Lennoxville, and the Laboratoire d’innovations par et pour les aînés of the Sherbrooke Research Centre on Aging. She has recently accepted the presidency of the Comité régional d’accessibilité aux services de santé en langue anglaise, of which she has been a member for 31 years.

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