North Hatley’s Pleasant View Beach House set to be replaced after unanimous demolition vote

North Hatley’s Pleasant View Beach House set to be replaced after unanimous demolition vote
Pleasant View Beach House in North Hatley, voted to be demolished and replaced following a public (Photo : William Crooks)

By William Crooks

Local Journalism Initiative

The iconic Pleasant View Beach House in North Hatley is officially set to be demolished following a unanimous decision made at a public consultation on Sept. 3. After nearly a century as a central part of the lakeside community, the building will be replaced with a new structure, designed to fit the needs of modern North Hatley residents while preserving elements of the original building’s charm. The replacement project will be funded through a substantial provincial grant, although the exact cost to the town is not yet clear. Residents were given a 10-day window to formally oppose the demolition following an Aug. 27 public notice.

PRACIM funding and the transition to a new building

The demolition and replacement of Pleasant View Beach House are part of North Hatley’s participation in the PRACIM (Programme d’amélioration et de construction d’infrastructures municipales) program, which supports municipalities with fewer than 5,000 residents in renovating or replacing key community buildings. When North Hatley officials initially applied for PRACIM funding in December 2022, the original intention was to renovate the aging structure. At that time, the estimated cost for the renovation was approximately $1.6 million, with plans to stabilize the foundation and update the building’s facilities.

However, after conducting a series of structural assessments, officials determined that the building’s condition was much worse than anticipated. The foundation had deteriorated beyond repair, and the building was in danger of further shifting due to unstable soil conditions beneath it. Faced with the cost of a full stabilization project that might still leave the building at risk, officials shifted the focus from renovation to demolition and rebuilding.

The total estimated cost for the demolition and replacement project is now around $2.5 million. The PRACIM grant could cover up to 95 per cent of this cost, though the exact amount the town will need to contribute remains uncertain. The grant’s percentage depends on certain factors, including the final cost of construction, which could fluctuate due to material prices, unforeseen expenses, and labour availability.

The building’s rich history

The Pleasant View Beach House has been a central feature of North Hatley’s waterfront since 1937. Originally built as a clubhouse for a private golf course, the structure was moved across the frozen surface of Lake Massawippi during the winter, an impressive feat that cemented its place in local lore. For decades, the beach house has served as a gathering point for local families and tourists alike, offering a place for summer recreation, events, and community activities.

The building underwent significant changes in 1982 when it was elevated, and a basement was added to expand its utility, according to officials. However, during the consultation, long-time resident  and former town councillor Michael Munkittrick challenged the timeline provided by village officials, suggesting that the basement had been part of the building long before the 1982 renovations. This discrepancy, while noteworthy, was not a focal point of the discussion, which remained centered on the building’s future rather than debates about its past.

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