“The Importance of Being Earnest”

“The Importance of Being Earnest”

Local troupe returns to the stage with Oscar Wilde’s famous play  

By William Crooks

Local Journalism Initiative

The North Hatley Theatre Troupe is bringing a touch of classic theatre to the Eastern Townships with their production of Oscar Wilde’s “The Importance of Being Earnest.” The play will now be staged at Turner Studio Theatre at Bishop’s University (BU), from Aug. 29 to Sept. 1. This new venue highlights a shift in location, as the production will be hosted at Bishop’s campus, rather than The Piggery as originally intended.

Directed and produced by Louise Thibault, this revival of Wilde’s beloved comedy of manners was inspired by her son Michael Geary, who studies at BU. “It was Michael’s idea… to put on ‘Earnest’ this summer,” said Thibault, in an Aug. 19 interview. Thibault has been advocating for the revival of live theatre in the region since 2017. “This is part of our ongoing efforts to bring culture—in particular, a little bit of English culture—back to the region.”

The production boasts a diverse cast from across North America. Performers hail from as far as Texas, Alberta, and British Columbia, many of whom are current or former students of BU. Thibault explained, “Our Lady Bracknell comes from Texas, our Algernon comes from Vancouver, and our Cecily is from Alberta. They’re all really passionate about theatre.”

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